The Electric Man

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Now Available on Amazon, Tubi, GooglePlay, YouTube

DVD/Blu-Ray Coming Soon!

Jed Rowen   Rachel Riley
James Di Giacomo  Tanamin Clark

Eric Roberts   Tom Sizemore
Vernon Wells   Elissa Dowling

An outside the mainstream, independent production.

The Electric Man is a science fiction, philosophical journey, with a dash of psychedelic funk, a horror adjacent sprinkling, a splash of vampirism, a dab of the undead, and romantic comedy at its heart!

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When Trace McNeil experiences a 12,000 volt shock, his life becomes a psychedelic blur of reality and fantasy in this science fiction drama.

Like nothing you’ve seen before. That’s the goal. The original idea was a science fiction drama, but the result has been called “a vampire, zombie, sci-fi , philosophical, Armageddon, romantic comedy, all-in-one.” And, yes, while it has elements of each, it is still something very different.

Our goal is to make something independent of the Hollywood studio system that has a wide appeal to mass audiences.

The Electric Man is unique in its story telling and genre-blending; however, its appeal is filled with immensely human needs, wants, desires, and emotions.

Featuring Tom Sizemore, Eric Roberts, and Vernon Wells!

You’ve seen Sizemore in Natural Born Killers, Saving Private Ryan and many other great films! Eric Roberts is an icon of Hollywood having earned an Oscar nomination in Runaway Train and been in hundreds of movies including The Dark Knight and The Expendables. Vernon Wells is a legend of action movies, especially for his roles in Commando and The Road Warrior!



Our movies have won more than 40 awards, played in dozens of festivals and received widespread distribution. We have worked with two Academy Award winning actors and a bevy of well-known names and faces! 


Cast & Crew


Actor | Role

Jed Rowen | Trace McNeil
Rachel Riley | Rose
James Di Giacomo | Quinn
Tanamin Clark | Luke


Eric Roberts | Mr. Manson
Tom Sizemore | Jace
Vernon Wells | Doogie
Elissa Dowling | Mrs. Manson

Hans Hernke | Father Andrew
Kasey Brown | Zach
Kelley Daniel | Tyler
Paul Bradford | Eli
Dave Shecter | Dispatch Dave
Joseph Pozo | Daniel
Chris Giese | Dr. Hobbs
Ames Tiedeman | Axl
Paul Bunnell | Anchorman Rob Tannen

Audriana Terry | Ravenous Cadaver
Susana Losoya Delgado | Amara
Joe Arambula | Joe Jawbone
Jacob Alvarado | Rotten Cherry Garcia
Justin Landers | Mohawk Malachai
Deborah Wilson | I.B. Hangray
Laura Splotch | Barbie Q
Crystal Pistol | Ms. Tinkle Fingers
Christy Munt | Sweet Jane
Windy Hamilton | Dead Eye Gretchen
Jessica Luna-Canales | Teri Cloth
Michael Nagy | Mr. Allister
Alexander Green | Echo Johnny Two
Celestial Jewel Bracamonte | Samantha Francisco
Curtis Hevron | The Stranger


Writ, cut, made by
B. Luciano Barsuglia

Executive Producers
B. Luciano Barsuglia
James Di Giacomo
Steve Wollett
Barry Barsuglia

Brenda DeRe
Joseph Pozo
Chris Giese
Hans Hernke
Ann Palmer
Todd Plesco

Kashif Khan

Associate Producers
Paul Bradford
Antonella Capizzi
Kelley Daniel
Dawna Lee Heising
Jay McCarey
Jesse Monk
Gregory Schmauss
Dave Shecter

Consulting Producer
Judy and Jud Carter
Billy Henrickle
Devon McCann

Production Assistants
Stacy Johnson
April Love
Rob Mahoney
Shawn Ness
Jimmy Pressley
Shane Samsel

Bryan Bonner
Jake Vamp
Steven West

Special Thanks
Omar Azimi
Trevor Bartlett
Deborah Connolly
Russell Emanuel
Karen Fleming
Kristie Garcia
Rudy Ledbetter
Jim Schweitzer
The Johnny

The Producers wish to thank
JJ Wood
Winnetka Bowl
Hobb’s Grove
Lore Callahan
Bill Slusser
Bob Schroeder

Makeup Department Head
Melanie Young

Makeup Artists
Melissa Hayes
Denise Navarro Mena

Sound Recordist & Engineer
Ryan Creasey

Sound Assistant
Kelley Daniel

Jennifer Noonan

Joel Kopczynski

Robert Aquato

“Resonance” Written and performed by Dane E. Connor
“Horizon” Written and performed by Dane E. Connor
“Evergreen” Written and performed by Dane E. Connor

Camera Operator
Andrew Roberts

Camera Assistant
Kelley Daniel
Will Marshall

Lighting Assistant
Sierra Barsuglia

Script Supervisor
Israel Luna
Sierra Barsuglia
Jeannie Quirus

Casting Department
Kelley Daniel
Avery Guerra
Lisa Hinds

Concept Artist
Kyle Roberts

Shot on Location 
Huntington Beach
Los Angeles
Garden Grove
Santa Ana

The Story of The Electric Man

The Miracle of Making a Movie

Making movies is hard. It is a difficult task to create from concept to screenplay to casting to production to post-production to distribution. So many things have to go right for a movie to happen, for a film to get made, and for that movie to even have a chance of being seen. And then, once that series of mini-miracles has happened, an indie might (just might) find distribution.

Then, of course, without any advertising budget, a whole lot of grit, filmmakers try to get their product seen anyway they can. Then, creators have to put up with the constant attack from the naysayers who are upset that the movie wasn’t more, that it wasn’t Marvel, that it wasn’t this, that it wasn’t that. For some reason the new age of communication has opened the floodgates of toxicity and put indie filmmakers right into the crosshairs of keyboard warriors who are looking for a variety of ways to spread their venom. Oh, and spread it they do.

And, even with all of that working against us, indie artists still choose to find a way, to continue moving forward and creating. The Electric Man is such a story of perseverance.

In the midst of quarantine, during the summer of 2020, a conversation between myself and Jed Rowen eventually led to what would become “The Electric Man.” We were taking about the real-life phenomenon of SLIding – those who experience Street Light Interference – a rare occurrence where lights, specifically street lights flicker and turn on or off when certain people get too close.

The first versions of the movie took place in a single setting with a handful of characters. At the time of its original inception, we had no budget whatsoever and were originally thinking we would produce this project to keep busy and keep the creative streams flowing during the early days of the pandemic.

Oddly, interest grew in the story and more and more people wanted to be involved. The script expanded. The cast expanded. And, an amazing crew was assembled.

Then, we started the crowdfund campaign, and a few significant contributions gave us a budget to really move things in even a more creative direction. We added veteran actors Tom Sizemore, Eric Roberts, Vernon Wells, among others to the cast. We grew the script beyond one location and started shooting.

We shot with Sizemore in November of 2020 and Eric Roberts shot his scene in December. We were mapping out a plan to shoot the rest of the movie in January and February when COVID shut us down for about two months.

When we picked back up late in February of 2021, we were shooting on weekends, but the original cast and crew stayed intact and dedicated. By April, we were done. We had a movie. All the pieces had somehow come together.

The editing process finished around July/August of 2021 and “The Electric Man” hit the festival and award circuit. For the next few months, we were humbled and honored with 14 festivals and 14 awards.

Then, just about a year from the first day of production, we found a distribution partner with Indie Rights Movies.

Now, the movie is being distributed worldwide and finding an audience. It’s been received well by critics and festivals.

Now, we’re finding an audience. Slowly. Surely. We’re finding our audience.

Awards & Fests


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